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Representatives of the International University Travnik attended the National Erasmus + Information Day

In order to improve international cooperation, representatives of the International University of Travnik attended the National Erasmus + Information Day, which was held at the Rectorate of the University of Sarajevo. The event was organized with the aim of promoting the Erasmus + program and strengthening cooperation and links between higher education institutions and other relevant actors in BiH.

The National Erasmus + Information Day was opened by prof. Dr. Rifat Škrijelj, Rector of the University of Sarajevo, on behalf of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH Aida Durić, Head of the Department for European Integration and International Cooperation, and Gianluca Vannini, Head of the Department for Social Development, Civil Society and Cross-Border Cooperation of the EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina , and words of welcome were sent to the audience by Mr. Suad Muhibić, Director of the National Erasmus + Office in BiH.

The main goal of the information event is to promote opportunities within the Erasmus + program, with special emphasis on the presentation of a new call for project proposals in the field of higher education, including: capacity building projects in higher education, international credit mobility, joint master programs, Jean Monnet activities, and other opportunities in the field of higher education.

The event is designed to present key parts of the Erasmus + program to various beneficiaries in the field of higher education, including higher education institutions, students, relevant ministries and other actors. During the presentation, attendees were able to learn useful information about the Erasmus + program, opportunities in the field of higher education, key news and how to apply for the Erasmus + call 2019, and how to prepare a successful CBHE project proposal.

Dejan Rosić from the National Erasmus + Office in BiH spoke about international credit mobility (ICM) and joint master studies (JMD). At the end of the National Erasmus + Day, networking of representatives of universities from BiH with representatives of higher education institutions from Spain was organized. Members of the Office for International Cooperation of the International University of Travnik have established contacts with several universities from Spain, on the basis of which inter-institutional agreements on student and administrative staff mobility will be signed.

Representatives of the International University Travnik attended the National Erasmus + Information Day

In order to improve international cooperation, representatives of the International University of Travnik attended the National Erasmus + Information Day, which was held at the Rectorate of the University of Sarajevo. The event was organized with the aim of promoting the Erasmus + program and strengthening cooperation and links between higher education institutions and other relevant actors in BiH.

The National Erasmus + Information Day was opened by prof. Dr. Rifat Škrijelj, Rector of the University of Sarajevo, on behalf of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH Aida Durić, Head of the Department for European Integration and International Cooperation, and Gianluca Vannini, Head of the Department for Social Development, Civil Society and Cross-Border Cooperation of the EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina , and words of welcome were sent to the audience by Mr. Suad Muhibić, Director of the National Erasmus + Office in BiH.

The main goal of the information event is to promote opportunities within the Erasmus + program, with special emphasis on the presentation of a new call for project proposals in the field of higher education, including: capacity building projects in higher education, international credit mobility, joint master programs, Jean Monnet activities, and other opportunities in the field of higher education.

The event is designed to present key parts of the Erasmus + program to various beneficiaries in the field of higher education, including higher education institutions, students, relevant ministries and other actors. During the presentation, attendees were able to learn useful information about the Erasmus + program, opportunities in the field of higher education, key news and how to apply for the Erasmus + call 2019, and how to prepare a successful CBHE project proposal.

Dejan Rosić from the National Erasmus + Office in BiH spoke about international credit mobility (ICM) and joint master studies (JMD). At the end of the National Erasmus + Day, networking of representatives of universities from BiH with representatives of higher education institutions from Spain was organized. Members of the Office for International Cooperation of the International University of Travnik have established contacts with several universities from Spain, on the basis of which inter-institutional agreements on student and administrative staff mobility will be signed.

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