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Akademsko i administrativno osoblje IUT-a posjetilo Nicolaus Copernicus Univerzitet u Torunu, Poljska

Kontinuirana saradnja između Internacionalnog univerziteta Travnik i Nicolaus Copernicus Univerziteta iz Toruna u Poljskoj nastavljena je posjetom predstavnika IUT-a ovoj visokoškolskon ustanovu.

U okviru Erasmus + programa mobilnosti predstavnice Internacionalnog univerziteta Travnik, Tanita Salkić i Sadina Terzić boravile se u Torunu gdje su imale priliku upoznati se sa načinom rada i funkcionisanja jednog od najvećih univerziteta u Poljskoj, koji u svom sastavku trenutno ima 17 fakulteta. Asistentica na Fakultetu informacionih tehnologija Travnik, Tanita Salkić, tokom boravka u Torunu održala je nekoliko veoma zanimljivih predavanja studentima Nicolaus Copernicus Univerziteta na temu nove tehnologije u obrazovanju.  Asistenica Salkić je kroz svoja predavanja studente upoznala sa izučavanjem novih tehnologija kroz oblast obrazovanja. Upotrebom komparativnog pristupa studenti su imali priliku ispitati mogućnosti i ograničenja novih tehnologija. Osnovni cilj predavanja bio je da se studentima objasni kako upotreba nove tehnologije u nastavi može doprinijeti poboljšanju nastavnog procesa. Na taj način učenici mogu pronaći informacije o mogućnostima novih tehnologija koje mogu olakšati proces sticanja novih znanja.

Po svom sadržaju i realizaciji predavanja su bila predmetno orijentisana, uzimajući u obzir mogućnost buduće profesionalne karijere mladih IT stručnjaka.

Osim predavanja asistentice Salkić, referent za studentska pitanja, Sadina Terzić u okviru stručnog osposobljavanja posjetila je Studentsku službu Nicolaus Copernicus Univerziteta i tom prilikom razmijenila je iskustva s kolegama iz Poljske.

Nicolaus Copernicus Univerzitet je jedan od pet najboljih univerziteta u Poljskoj. Univerzitetska biblioteka sadrži impozantnu kolekciju od skoro 3 miliona štampanih knjiga, periodičnih publikacija i posebnih zbirki, a akademski centar za umetnost i kulturu „Od Nowa“, jedan od najstarijih klubova u Poljskoj.


Academic and administrative staff of IUT visited Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland

Academic And Administrative Staff Of IUT Visited Nicolaus Copernicus University In Torun, Poland

Cooperation between the International University Travnik and Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland, continued with the visit of representatives of IUT to this higher education institution.

Within the Erasmus + mobility program of the representative of the International University Travnik, Tanita Salkić and Sadina Terzic, they had a chance to get acquainted with the way in which one of the largest universities in Poland, which currently has 17 faculties, is working and functioning. Assistant at the Faculty of Information Technologies Travnik, Tanita Salkić, during her stay in Torun held several very interesting lectures to students of the Nicolaus Copernicus University on the topic of new technology in education. Through her lectures, assistant Salkić introduced the students to the study of new technologies in the field of education. By using a comparative approach, students had the opportunity to examine the possibilities and limitations of new technologies. The main objective of the lecture was to explain to students how the use of new technology in teaching can contribute to improving the teaching process. In this way, students can find information about the possibilities of new technologies that can facilitate the process of acquiring new knowledge.

According to their contents and the realization of lectures, they were subject oriented, taking into account the possibility of future professional career of young IT professionals.

In addition to the lecture of assistant Salkić, Student Affairs Officer, Sadina Terzic visited the Nicolaus Copernicus University Student Service as part of her vocational training and exchanged experiences with her colleagues from Poland.

During the visit to the Nicolaus Copernicus University, the staff of the International University Travnik , Tanita Salkić and Sadina Terzic met with prof. Dr. hab. Dorota Siemieniecka, V-ce-Dean at the Faculty of Education NCU and Erasmus + Coordinator dr. Lidia Wiśniewska. Professor Siemieniecka organized a lecture and translated English lessons into Polish. Sadina Terzic, in a conversation with Wiśniewska, learned how Eramsus + Office works at Nicolaus Copernicus University.

Nicolaus Copernicus University is one of the top five universities in Poland. The University Library contains an impressive collection of nearly 3 million printed books, periodicals and special collections, and the academic center for art and culture “Od Nowa”, one of the oldest clubs in Poland.


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