Youth education on media with the goal of raising media literacy
Representatives of the Faculty of Media and Communications of the International University Travnik in cooperation with students organized an educational workshop for students of the Secondary Technical School Travnik called “Youth education on the media with the aim of raising media literacy”.
The main task of the workshop was to present to pupils the basic concepts of media literacy and skills, by which they can recognize whether the information is false. The aim was to empower students with critical thinking and creative skills to solve problems in order to become reasonable consumers and information producers.
Due to the wave of false news, disinformation and propaganda that spread rapidly in the Internet and other media, and the social and political consequences that news can cause, it is crucial to develop skills to make students become critical media users. Students are presented with basic questions and skills on the basis of which they can recognize misinformation and bias.
After the educational part for students, a workshop was organized in which they analyzed the content of one daily newspaper, and on the basis of the analysis they finally created the cover page. The goal was for students to determine which media content they want to show as the most important and deserving to be published on the front page of the newspaper.