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Održana XVIII Međunarodna konferencija na Vlašiću: Znanje je glavni pokretač svih procesa i resurs koji BiH može dovesti do pozitivnih promjena

Internacionalni univerzitet Travnik u Travniku u saradnji sa akademskim partnerom Univerzitet Indonezija, Depok, organizovao je XVIII Međunarodnu konferenciju pod nazivom “Trendovi razvoja zemalja Zapadnog Balkana zasnovani na znanju sa posebnim osvrtom na BiH u procesu pristupanja EU” koja je održana 14. i 15. decembra na Vlašiću.

Osnovni cilj ovogodišnje Konferencije bio je da se ukaže na značaj znanja kao ključnog faktora u razvoju konkurentnosti privrede Bosne i Hercegovine i zemalja Zapadnog Balkana. Učesnici su tokom konferencije razmjenjivali naučno-istraživačka i praktična saznanja i iskustva o jačanju procesa pristupanja BiH Evropskoj uniji, te rješenja i preporuke s obzirom na izraženu aktuelnost ove teme koja nadilazi mnoge zemlje i danas postaje svjetski problem. Također, neophodno je bilo i da se sagleda ekonomska pozicija zemalja Zapadnog Balkana s posebnim osvrtom na Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Osim navedenog, na Konferenciji su razmatrani i analizirani pravni aspekti ekonomskog, društvenog i održivog razvoja BiH i zemalja Zapadnog Balkana, uz učešće medija u kreiranju pristupa EU.

Na Konferenciji su učestvovali Ambasadorica Republike Indonezije u BiH, Amelia Achmad Yani, sekretari Ambasade Republike Indonezije u BiH Febry Elsafrino i Raden Sandjaya, zamjenik rektora Univerziteta Indonezija, Depok, Prof. Dr Bambang Wibawarta i Šef Ureda za prijem studenata Dr.sci. Untung Yuwono, zatim federalni ministar trgovine Zlatan Vujanović, premijer Srednjobosanskog kantona Tahir Lendo, ministar privrede Srednjobosanskog kantona Sedžad Milanović, načelnik Općine Travnik Admir Hadžiemrić, pomoćnik ministrice obrazovanja, nauke, kulture i sporta Srednjobosanskog kantona Zoran Matošević, dekan Fakulteta za detektive i kriminalistiku Evropskog univerzitet Republika Makedonija Atanas Kozarev, kao i mnogobrojni akademici i profesori s univerziteta iz Bosne i Hercegovine i regije.

Rektor Internacionalnog univerziteta Travnik, Akademik, prof. dr. Ibrahim Jusufranić u svom obraćanju prisutnim kazao je da Konkurentnost u ekonomiji Bosne i Hercegovine, kao jedan od najvažnijih pokazatelja ekonomske sposobnosti zemlje, je od presudne važnosti u tržišnim uslovima i osnov je za povećanje realnog dohotka stanovništva. Jedan od najvećih problema privrede Bosne i Hercegovine i zemalja Zapadnog Balkana je visok vanjskotrgovinski deficit, uzrokovan slabom konkurentnošću na međunarodnom tržištu i visokom uvozno-izvoznom zavisnošću, što znači da nisu u stanju da vlastitom proizvodnjom zadovolje potrošnju, kao i slaba vanjskotrgovinska integracija ovih zemalja, istakao je rektor Jusufranić.

Dodao je da su znanje i vještine danas najvažniji izvor konkurentske prednosti, a ulaganja sa svrhom povećanja nivoa znanja mogu značajno povećati ekonomske izglede zemlje i blagostanje njezinih stanovnika. Ako se redovno koristi i obnavlja znanje s vremenom doprinosi ličnom razvoju života i ističe njegove kreativne sposobnosti kao i razvoju zajednice u kojoj čovjek živi, radi i djeluje.

Preduzeća koja žele da budu uspješna u savremenim uslovima poslovanja moraju da više koriste inovacije kao dio poslovne strategije preduzeća, jer ona pokreće ekonomsku dobrobit cijele jedne zemlje, rekao je rektor Jusufranić. Govoreći o digitalizaciji rektor Jusufranić je kazao da ona predstavlja najviši nivo integracije poslovnog sistema. Shodno tome, ona je jedan od osnovnih alata za rast i razvoj, kako pojedinačnih preduzeća, tako i privrede u cjelini.

Rektor Internacionalnog univerziteta Travnik na kraju je poručio da snažna digitalna ekonomija ima vitalan uticaj na inovaciju, rast, radna mjesta i evropsku konkurentnost te da preduzeća koja žele da budu uspješna u savremenim uslovima poslovanja moraju da više koriste inovacije kao dio poslovne strategije preduzeća, jer one pokreću ekonomsku dobrobit cijele jedne zemlje.

Specijalni gost na ovogodišnjoj Konferenciji bila je ambasadorica Republike Indonezije u BiH, Amelia Achmad Yani koja je istakla da podržava saradnju Internacionalnog univerziteta Travnik i Univerziteta Indonezija, Depok, te se nada da će razmjena studenata između ova dva Univerziteta dodatno učvstiti saradnju Bosne i Hercegovine i Republike Indonezije. Ambasadorica Yani je uvjerena da će zaključci s Konferencije doprinijeti poboljšanju odnosa zemalja Zapadnog Balkana i Evropske unije.

Federalni ministar trgovine Zlatan Vujanović kazao je kako je znanje glavni i najveći pokretač svih procesa i resurs koji ovu zemlju može dovesti do pozitivnih ekonomskih promjena. Naglasio je kako su mladi ljudi iz Bosne i Hercegovine veoma sposobni i talentovani što pokazuju na raznim takmičenjima širom svijeta gdje osvajaju prva mjesta i zlatne medalje.

„Naša zemlja ima jako značaj resurs i potencijal, a to je potentne i sposobne mlade ljude koji participiraju znanje na renomiranim i etabliranim institucijama kao što je Internacionalni univerzitet Travnik u Travniku i zbog toga su ovakve Konferencije jako značajne jer pomažu da se javnost upozna sa talentovanim mladim ljudima koji će znanjem pomoći Bosni i Hercegovini da postane punopravan član Evropske unije“, istakao je ministar Vujanović.

Zamjenik rektora Univerziteta Indonezija, Depok, Prof. Dr Bambang Wibawarta istakao je kako se nada da će sa Internacionalnim univerzitetom Travnik u budućnosti pokrenuti zajedničke inicijative kada su u pitanju medijske i ekonomske studije.

Premijer Srednjobosanskog kantona Tahir Lendo je istakao da Internacionalni univerzitet Travnik zajedno sa partnerima svake godine organizuje Međunarodne konferencije sa zanimljivim i aktuelnim temama na kojima stručnjaci iz različitih oblasti ukazuju na koji način Bosna i Hercegovina može napredovati. Premijer Lendo je na kraju dodao da XVIII Međunarodna konferencija na najbolji način prezentuje Srednjobosanski kanton i visoko obrazovanje.

Prisutnim gostima obratio se i načelnik Općine Travnik Admir Hadžiemrić koji je kazao da XVIII Međunarodna konferencija Travnik stavlja u fokus svjetskih događaja s obzirom na to da su ove godine gosti bili predstavnici Ambasade Indonezije i Univerziteta Indonezija.

Dostignuća koja Internacionalni univerzitet Travnik postiže sa radovima svojih studenata i sa saradnjom koju imaju s renomiranim svjetskim Univerzitetima stavljaju IUT na zavidnu poziciju na svjetskoj listi univerzitet, kazao je načelnik Hadžiemrić i s ponosom istakao zadovoljstvo što je Travnik sjedište jedne takve institucije koja svakodnevno doprinosi razvoju općine Travnik, Srednjobosasnkog kantona, ali i države Bosne i Hercegovine.

Na XVIII Međunarodnoj konferenciji rektor Internacionalnog univerziteta Travnik, prof. dr. Ibrahim Jusufranić prezentovao je i dvije nove knjige „Organizacija preduzeća“ i „Ekonomija preduzeća“.







„U fokusu Ekonomike i organizacije poslovanja preduzeća je preduzeće kao ekonomski sistem čiji je osnovni zadatak da koristi raspoložive društvene resurse kako bi se zadovoljile potrebe preduzeća i korisnika njegovih proizvoda i usluga. Preduzeće kroz svoje poslovanje raste, razvija se i mijenja, obavljajući ekonomske aktivnosti čija je osnovna funkcija – ekonomska funkcija. Međutim, danas se od preduzeća traži da imaju i neekonomske funkcije kao što je ekologizacija proizvodnje jer se sve više ekonomski uspjeh može posmatrati ako u njegovo ostvarenje budu ugrađena i ekološka mjerila uspjeha. O tome se u ovim knjigama razmatra, analizira i zaključuje“, kazao je tokom prezentacije knjiga rektor Jusufranić.

U uvodnom dijelu Konferencije prisutni su mogli pogledati kratku prezentaciju „Robotske ruke“ koju su izradili studenti Fakulteta politehničkih nauka Travnik, odsjeka Elektrotehnika, Bekir Fulan, Amil Švago i Džavid Kilim. Riječ je o projektu pod nazivom “Robotic Arm 387” na kojem su studenti radili u proteklih šest mjeseci.

Tokom Konferencije rektoru Jusufraniću je od strane Međunarodne istraživačke akademije nauka i umjetnosti uručena Povelja o izboru Internacionalnog univerziteta Travnik u kolektivnog člana amademije. Počasnu plaketu rektoru Jusufraniću uručio je predsjednik Međunarodne istraživačke akademije, Akademik, prof. dr. Vladica Ristić.


Vlašić hosted the 18th International Conference: Knowledge is the main driver of all processes and resources that B&H can bring to positive changes

Vlašić Hosted The 18th International Conference: Knowledge Is The Main Driver Of All Processes And Resources That B&H Can Bring To Positive Changes

The International University Travnik, in cooperation with the academic partner University of Indonesia, Depok, organized the XVIII International Conference entitled “Trends in the Development of the Western Balkans Developed Countries with a Special Focus on BiH in the EU Accession Process”, held on December 14th and 15th on Vlašić.

The main goal of this year’s conference was to highlight the importance of knowledge as a key factor in the development of competitiveness of the economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the countries of the Western Balkans. During the conference, the participants exchanged scientific-research and practical knowledge and experiences on strengthening the process of BiH’s accession to the European Union, and solutions and recommendations in view of the current topic of the topic that surpasses many countries and today is becoming a worldwide problem. Also, it was necessary to look at the economic position of the countries of the Western Balkans, with particular reference to Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition, the Conference discussed and analyzed the legal aspects of the economic, social and sustainable development of BiH and the countries of the Western Balkans, with the participation of the media in creating an EU approach.

The Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia in BiH, Amelia Achmad Yani, Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in BiH Febry Elsafrino and Raden Sandjaya, Deputy Rector of the University of Indonesia, Depok, Prof. Dr. Bambang Wibawarta and Head of the Student Reception Office Dr.Sci. Untung Yuwono, Federation Trade Minister Zlatan Vujanović, Central Bosnia Canton Prime Minister Tahir Lendo, Minister of Economy of Central Bosnia Canton Sedžad Milanović, Mayor of Travnik Municipality Admir Hadžiemrić, Assistant Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Central Bosnia Canton Zoran Matošević, Dean of the Faculty for Detective and Criminalistics of the European University of the Republic of Macedonia Atanas Kozarev, as well as numerous academics and professors from universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region.

Rector of International University Travnik, Academician, prof. dr. Ibrahim Jusufranić in his address to the audience said that competitiveness in the economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as one of the most important indicators of the economic capacity of the country, is of crucial importance in market conditions and is the basis for increasing the real income of the population. One of the biggest problems of the economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the countries of the Western Balkans is a high foreign trade deficit, caused by weak competitiveness in the international market and high import-export dependence, which means that they are not able to satisfy consumption by their own production, as well as weak foreign trade integration of these countries, said Rector Jusufranić.

He added that knowledge and skills today are the most important source of competitive advantage, and investments with the purpose of increasing the level of knowledge can significantly increase the economic prospects of the country and the well-being of its inhabitants. If it is regularly used and renewed knowledge over time, it contributes to personal development of life and highlights its creative abilities as well as the development of a community in which a person lives, works, and acts.

Companies that want to be successful in modern business conditions need to use more innovations as part of the company’s business strategy, as it drives the economic well-being of an entire country, said Rector Jusufranić. Speaking of digitization, Rector Jusufranić said that it represents the highest level of integration of the business system. Accordingly, it is one of the basic tools for growth and development, both individual enterprises and the economy as a whole.

The director of the International University Travnik, in the end, said that a strong digital economy has a vital impact on innovation, growth, jobs and European competitiveness, and that companies that want to be successful in modern business conditions need to use more innovations as part of the company’s business strategy, they trigger the economic well-being of an entire country.

The Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia in BiH, Amelia Achmad Yani, was the special guest at this year’s conference. She emphasized that she supports the cooperation of the International University Travnik and the University of Indonesia, Depok, and she hopes that the exchange of students between these two universities will further strengthen the cooperation between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic Indonesia. Ambassador Yani is convinced that the conclusions from the Conference will contribute to the improvement of relations between the countries of the Western Balkans and the European Union.

Federal Trade Minister Zlatan Vujanovic said that knowledge is the main and largest driver of all processes and resources that can lead this country to positive economic changes. He emphasized that young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina are very capable and talented to show at various competitions around the world where they win the first places and gold medals..

“Our country has a very important resource and potential, and it is potent and capable young people who participate in renowned and established institutions such as the International University Travnik and because of this, such Conferences are very important because they help the public to get to know talented young people who will be able to help Bosnia and Herzegovina become a full member of the European Union “, said Minister Vujanović.

Deputy Rector of the University of Indonesia, Depok, Prof. Dr. Bambang Wibawarta said he hopes that with the International University Travnik in the future, they will launch joint initiatives in the field of media and economic studies.

The Prime Minister of the Central Bosnia Canton Tahir Lendo pointed out that the International University Travnik, together with its partners, each year organizes international conferences with interesting and current topics where experts from different fields point to the way Bosnia and Herzegovina can progress. In the end, Prime Minister Lendo added that the XVIII International Conference is the best way to present Central Bosnia Canton and higher education.

The Mayor of Travnik, Admir Hadziemrić, also addressed the present guests, who said that the XVIII International Conference Travnik is focusing on world events since this year guests were representatives of the Embassy of Indonesia and the University of Indonesia.

The achievements achieved by the International University Travnik with the work of their students and with the cooperation they have with renowned world Universities put the IUT in an enviable position on the world’s list of universities, said Hadžiemrić, and proudly emphasized the pleasure that Travnik is the seat of such an institution that contributes to the development of the municipality of Travnik , The Central Bosnia Canton, as well as the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

At the XVIII International Conference, the Rector of the International University Travnik, prof. dr. Ibrahim Jusufranić also presented two new books: “Company Organization” and “Economy of the Company”.







“In the focus of Business Economics and Business Organization, a company is an economic system whose primary task is to use the available social resources to meet the needs of the company and the users of its products and services. Through its business, the company grows, develops and changes, carrying out economic activities whose basic function is an economic function. However, today companies are asked to have non-economic functions, such as the greening of production, because more and more economic success can be observed if its achievement is incorporated and ecological measures of success. This is discussed, analyzed and concluded in these books, “said Rector Jusufranić during the presentation of the book.

In the introductory part of the Conference, the participants were able to see a short presentation of the “Robotic arm” made by students from the Faculty of Polytechnic Sciences Travnik, Department of Electrical Engineering, Bekir Fulan, Amil Švago and Džavid Kilim. This is a project called “Robotic Arm 387” where students have been working in the past six months.

During the Conference, the International Research Academy of Sciences and Arts was awarded the Charter for the selection of the International University Travnik as a collective member of the Academy for the rector Jusufranić. The honorary plaque was handed to the rector Jusufranić by the President of the International Research Academy, Academician, prof. dr. Vladica Ristić.


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