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A fundamental element of higher education reform in the creation of a European Higher Education Area in addition to ECTS is quality assurance. The Bologna Declaration and the documents that follow it guarantee quality assurance in higher education institutions as a key precondition for the comparability of diplomas and qualifications in the European Higher Education Area. Quality assurance in higher education is not an exclusively European concern. There is a growing interest in quality and standards around the world, reflecting the rapid growth of higher education as well as its price, both for the public and private account. Initiatives and demands, emerging inside and outside Europe in the light of the internationalization of higher education, require a response. The commitment of all those involved in the creation of the European Higher Education Area guarantees the successful realization of a truly European dimension for quality assurance, which will strengthen the attractiveness of the higher education offer. Therefore, European standards of higher education have been established, which must be applied in all countries participating in the Bologna Process.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, where quality assurance is in its infancy, the most important thing is to provide quality information to the widest possible academic community, from professors to students to administrative staff, who will implement quality assurance in practice and implement it at their institutions. But it is also extremely important to know the opportunities in countries where quality assurance has existed for decades, and to learn from their experiences.

In its strategy, the International University of Travnik outlined the mission and training of young people for practice, but also scientific research. The goal of the IUT is to harmonize curricula and scientific curricula with the needs of the labor market in BiH and to build the best roads with the labor market. One of the strategic guidelines of the IUT is to provide a modern, creative and professional conception of program implementation. Integrated education – knowledge, skills and competencies from various fields provide students with training for direct involvement in the profession for which students are studying. The management of the IUT is developing a methodology for refining the program, all with the aim of modernizing and adapting teaching to the environmentally sustainable development of the local community. The basic model of adapting teaching contents, which corresponds to the requirements arising from the development policy in BiH, and which are based on a stronger role of the university in encouraging and implementing important projects, is especially defined. Travnik International University bases its work on the most important experiences of leading European and world universities with the consistent application of the Bologna Process. An important segment of the Bologna Process is lifelong learning and the application of new information and communication technologies whose main goal is to develop our economy and competitive economy, which thus leads to the development of the wider community.You can download the full text of the Quality Assurance Strategy here

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